ML Brei




Books Open New Windows

And give perspective

This is why I write.

In my books, I bring to life worlds in which integrity is the primary motivation for making decisions. i seek to capture the mood of a subset of American culture.

In A Different Type of Soul, the characters are embroiled in a fast-paced world of computer innovation. The personal computer is still a concept that hasn’t been fully implemented. The leading technology firms race to be the first to put together and market an affordable personal computer.

Young engineers are recruited for this effort. They have an urgent sense of mission and are driven toward excellence. Some feel these engineers are being exploited by ambitious companies. The engineers feel, however, that they are being heroic, putting aside their personal lives and throwing themselves into efforts to innovate in record time.

In the midst of this frenzy, in the background, there are those trying to hold together personal relationships, reconcile the past, and forge a new future. It’s as complicated as the circuits that the engineers are building.


ML Brei

After graduating from Smith College, ML was a software engineer for a Silicon Valley giant working on cutting-edge computer-aided design systems.  This led to a curiosity in the workings of the human brain which led to a passion for teaching. After a few years in Silicon Valley and Colorado, she moved back to the East Coast where she met her husband, an Air Force officer, and spent the next thirty years traveling, raising a family, and teaching.

She is the author of several books and editor of others.

ML is passionate about writing and teaching how to write.  She especially enjoys helping people preserve family memories in book form.

A Different Type of Soul

By ML Brei

Published, October 2022

Words from the Attic Box

Poetry by Robert S. Hooper

Compiled by ML Brei

The Christian Symbols of the Twelve Days of Christmas

By ML Brei

Published December 2022

Echoes of the Hurrians

By Theresa V. Hooper

Edited by ML Brei